Pando is your community pet on Twitch

Add a pet to your live stream that interacts with your viewers

NEW Dynamic Personality

Decide your pet's personality with Pando VIP!

Is your cat a sassy, sarcastic one who ends every sentence with Kappa? Well, get yours now! There are so many possibilities! Add pun-tastic behaviour, and tell your pet to stay in character as a comedian, your viewers will love it!

  • Personalize your PandoDo your viewers love a funny comment, a historical fact, or a funny fact about food? If you want, you can set your Pando's personality.
  • Fully customizableThe personality is fully customisable. You can change the pet to whatever you can think of. Even if it’s a dog that believes it’s a frog and croaks strategic ribbits about card games, you will get surprisingly funny reactions.
  • TTSis now available to give the reactions a voice! Much wow. Talking pets! Very Human.

How does it work?

With the implementation of Claude, an LLM by Antropic, Pando can generate reactions based on your description and recommended guidelines. We have researched multiple solutions and believe Antropic serves our safety requirements, entertainment values, and pricing.

Is the dynamic personality a paid feature?

Yes. The generated reactions cost tokens, you will get 1.000.000 tokens when you subscribe to Pando_dev.

Can my viewers influence the pets' reactions?

You can decide. Simply add or remove the #viewer to not respond with their name. Removing the #message will ignore whatever the viewer said.

Can the extension/chatbot be named after my pet’s name?

Unfortunately, we can’t change the 🧩 Pando chatbot name. It’s a limitation by Twitch, but if we all request a change by voting and reacting to this UserVoice, maybe one day it will be possible!

Adorable pets
Pando are community pets for Twitch streamers. There are up to 7 different pets, and they quickly become an adorable part of your channel.
Community-based development
Pando continuously grows and design decisions are based on the community. There are thousand of creators in our Discord. Come and join us!
Adding the pet café Twitch extension will add a beautiful panel that allows viewers extra interactions, like playing and feeding the pet.
Every creator is unique, so we are adding as many options to accommodate this. With the dynamic personality feature, you can generate responses that fit your channel.

The Twitch extension

Start using it and increase your viewer engagement with Pando